

在阿灵顿十大棋牌网赌软件联邦信用合作社,您的安全和幸福是第一位的. 我们监控所有账户的欺诈和可疑活动, 但我们希望确保你了解欺诈预防,这样你就可以保护自己. 这就是十大棋牌赌钱软件我们建议您不要提供任何个人信息, 通过电话或电子邮件提供私人信息,我们会随时向您通报最新的欺诈计划.


The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to place a freeze on your credit reports. This will make it much more difficult for fraudsters to open loans 和 bank accounts in your name.




  • 我们绝不会为非核实目的向您索取个人信息, 包括您完整的社会安全号码或个人密码.
  • 中华总工会设有加强的防诈骗系统,设有自动电话, 文本, 和 email options for you to receive notifications 和 check on suspicious activity 和 transactions.
  • 您可以立即输入所提供的命令字, 与自动电话系统互动, 或者和一个活生生的特工交谈.
  • We ask you to keep your contact information up-to-date so we can easily reach 和 alert you.
  • 任何时候,如果你怀疑中华全国总工会的通信,请致电 703-526-0200 为了验证我们的有效性,我们和你在一起,你的幸福是我们的首要任务.



保护您的帐户,确保您的联系信息, 尤其是你的手机号码, 是最新的. 拥有当前的联系方式可以让我们在潜在的欺诈情况下通知您.

Follow these easy steps to update 和 verify your personal information in the mobile app or online banking today.



  • 异常账户活动
    • We encourage all our members to regularly check their account transactions for activity they don’t recognize, 包括欺诈存款.
    • These deposits are often returned as counterfeit after the fraudster has already withdrawn them, 让你负责这笔钱.
    • 如果你发现可疑交易, 立即通知中华总工会潜在的欺诈行为,以保护自己.
  • 略读

    略读 captures magnetic info from a credit or debit card 和 uses it for fraudulent purposes. 为了防止你的信用卡被刷屏:

    • 不要使用看起来被篡改过的自动取款机或信用卡机.
    • 在自动取款机或信用机输入密码时,用手保护好密码.


  • 网络钓鱼

    网络钓鱼 scams include “spoofed” emails 和 fraudulent websites that appear as though they’re being sent by a person or organization you already know 和 ask you to provide or “verify” your personal, 个人信息(密码), 信用卡号, 账号, 等.). 避免网络钓鱼:

    • 在使用互联网和回应电话请求时要谨慎.
    • Be suspicious of any email that is marked urgent request 和 asks for personal information.
    • 不要点击一封你不确定是否真实的邮件中的链接.
    • 寻找 “http://” 在提供您的借记卡或信用卡信息时出现在网址前面.
    • 定期检讨你的帐目.
    • Be suspicious of emails that claim to be from your financial institution 和 request information from you.
    • 在电脑上安装防火墙和反间谍软件.
    • 定期更新浏览器的安全补丁.
  • 短信诈骗

    短信诈骗, “SMS”的组合, 发短信的专业术语, 和“钓鱼,使用短信提示个人向“SMiSher”提供他们的个人信息, 私人信息. 为了避免短信诈骗:

    • 永远不要回复要求提供私人信息的短信. 如果在您的帐户上检测到可疑活动, we will call or 文本 和 you can follow the instructions to answer questions regarding your recent card activity.
  • 身份盗窃

    身份盗窃, 这个国家增长最快的犯罪, 当有人偷了别人的私人信息, 私人信息,然后假装是那个人. 降低身份被盗的风险:

    • NEVER give out personal information over the phone/internet unless you initiated the transaction.
    • 不要把你的社保卡放在钱包里.
    • Make copies (front 和 back) of all cards 和 pieces of information you carry with you in case your wallet is stolen 和 keep them in a secure location.
    • 立即销毁所有未使用的预批准信用卡优惠.
    • Remove mail promptly from your mailbox each day 和 ask the post office to hold your mail until you return if you plan to be out of town for an extended period of time.
    • 每年检查您的免费信用报告,以确保所有信息是准确的.


  • 银行本票骗局

    这一骗局涉及分发看似来自中华全国总工会的本票, 但实际上是欺诈. 如果你意外收到中华总工会的本票, 存款前请立即十大棋牌赌钱软件,以确定是否合法.

  • 祖父母骗局

    This long-running scam targets older victims by pretending to be their gr和son or gr和daughter 和 requesting they wire money to them for an emergency, 没有提供太多的细节. 他们可能会说“请不要告诉妈妈或爸爸”或“我的鼻子断了。, 所以我可能听起来很奇怪.”

  • 陪审团义务骗局

    Scammers pose as judicial officials or police 和 call people from a spoofed law enforcement phone numbers or name to let them know they failed to report for jury duty 和 owe a fine.

  • 医疗保险诈骗

    In 2019, the federal government replaced Medicare cards that featured enrollee’s social 安全 numbers with an 11-digit identification number instead to help protect seniors from identity theft. 现在, scammers attempt to trick people into giving them their new 11-digit identification number so they can take over their identity.

  • 甜心骗局

    This typically involves a dating site account with fake information 和 photos for a profile that is too good to be true. 一旦目标确定, the scam usually escalates to the thief’s unveiling of a money problem 和 may include the request for funds so he or she can travel to meet you in person or to help a sick relative.

  • 国税局骗局

    These scammers claim the victims owe money to the IRS 和 must pay promptly or be arrested, 被驱逐出境或吊销驾照. 有时, 打电话的人变得咄咄逼人, warning people that a sheriff or local law enforcement will show up at their door if they don’t pay immediately. 国税局永远不会打电话要求立即付款, 威胁要叫来当地警察, 通过电话询问信用卡或借记卡号码, 或者要求你使用特定的纳税方式.

  • 技术支持骗局

    这种骗局可以通过网络钓鱼电子邮件发生, 一通电话, 在你的设备上弹出广告或锁定屏幕,并提供电话号码来解决问题. 合法的客户, 安全, 或者技术支持公司不会主动与个人联系.

  • 朋友/亲戚在医院的骗局

    这种骗局包括有人主动联系你,声称自己是朋友或亲戚, 和 they tell you they are in a hospital in a foreign country 和 can’t leave without paying for the surgery. They encourage you to send a wire transfer to a foreign bank account that is actually owned by the fraudster.



  • 不要在社交媒体上过度分享

    注意你在社交媒体平台上分享的信息. Cybercriminals often use personal details gathered from your profiles to target you 和 even your family members.

  • 不要点击可疑链接

    Stay vigilant against phishing attempts by verifying the legitimacy of unexpected links in emails or messages, 因为这些骗局的目的是利用信任和危害您的在线安全. 如果你接到一个自称是可信公司打来的电话, 即使来电显示是合法的, it’s best to end the call 和 independently contact the company using a trusted number to verify the authenticity of the call.


  • 保护你的社会安全号码(SSN)

    你的社会安全号码是一项宝贵的信息. 只有在绝对必要的情况下才向可信任的实体披露.

  • 挂断自动电话

    If you receive unsolicited calls requesting sensitive information such as bank account details, SSNs, 生日, 或任何其他个人资料, 立即挂断电话. 合法组织不会在没有正当理由的情况下要求提供此类信息.

  • 启用多因素身份验证(MFA)

    在您的帐户上启用MFA对于确保您的数字存在至关重要, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access 和 safeguarding your sensitive information from potential 安全 threats.

  • 监控计费周期

    密切关注你的账单周期. 如果你发现账单或财务报表被延迟了, 请联系发件人确认情况.

  • 审查财务报表

    定期查看你的信用卡和银行账户对账单. Compare receipts with the information on your statements to detect any unauthorized transactions promptly.

  • 撕碎敏感文件

    处理敏感文件,如收据, 信贷提供, 帐户报表, 把过期的信用卡撕碎. 这有助于防止身份盗窃,尤其是那些翻找垃圾的人.

  • 在您的帐户上设置大额交易提醒:

    通过注册这些提醒, 我们会立即通知您任何与您的账户相关的可疑活动. 保持对账户活动的关注是很重要的,特别是如果存在欺诈行为.


    1. 登录到 在线 or 手机银行.
    2. 如果是移动设备,请点击“更多的的菜单.
    3. 点击“通知"和"警报”.
    4. 选择帐户 您希望为其设置警报.
    5. 点击“交易”, 设置你的偏好 在打开的窗户里.
    6. 设定你的金额交货方法. 你可以收到短信、电子邮件或推送通知,或者三者都有!
    7. 点击 保存.

  • 每年检查你的信用报告

    每年至少一次从主要的信用机构获取和审查你的信用报告. Ensure there are no suspicious activities or errors that could negatively affect your credit score.

  • 冻结你的信用档案

    如果你怀疑你的身份被盗,考虑冻结你的信用档案 Equifax, 益百利, Innovis, or TransUnion. 冻结你的信用可以帮助防止未经授权的访问你的信用记录, 让身份窃贼更难以你的名义开户.

Protect yourself from fraud: Contact ACFCU directly if you have any questions or concerns via Secure Messaging in mobile or online banking, 电邮至 acfcu@fitgreenlife.com1 (电子邮件不安全,所以不要包含任何私人信息)或打电话: 703.526.0200 x4.


While we do monitor fraudulent or suspicious activity 和 may proactively contact you about this activity, we will never call 和 ask for confidential information such as your entire account number or PIN. 十大棋牌赌钱软件:703.526.如果您提供了机密信息,0200x4. 消息和数据速率可能适用.

1Please do not submit your account number or social 安全 number via email or contact form. 信息 sent is at risk of loss of confidentiality if the information is transmitted over the internet.